Thursday, June 2, 2011

week 1 vocab

1. incubators (n.) /ˈɪŋ.kjʊ.beɪ.tər/ : a container that has controlled air and temperature conditions in which a weak or premature baby (= one which was born too early) can be kept alive. ( )

i.e. I used incubators or keeping bird's egg

2. discontinuance (n.) /ˌdɪs.kənˈtɪn.juː/ to stop doing or providing something. (

The function of dis in "discontinuance" is prefix.

Synonyms:  cessation, check, close, closedown, closure, conclusion, cutoff, endending, expiration, finish, halt, lapseshutdown, shutoff, stay, stop, stoppage ( )

Antonyms: continuance, continuation ( )

i.e. The bank is discontinuing its Saturday service. (

3. entrepreneur (n.) /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr / someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity. (


  1. Hi First,
    I like your example of "discontinue". "Discontinue" is the verb of "discontinuance". Your example uses "be verb" + Ving. It means the bank is doing the discontinuance of the service. I would like you to think about these examples: 1. The bank discontinues its Saturday service.
    2. The bank discontinued its Saturday service.
    What do the two example mean?
    What are the differences in meaning between the two examples and the example you give?

    Good job!

  2. Another thing is please change the language setting into English, or it's hard for me to leave a comment. : )

  3. that's good an example for the incubator, you have a picture for let me know easier what is it^^.

  4. Hi Kelly,
    1.The bank discontinues its Saturday service.<<< I think it means the bank don't work on Saturday.
    2. The bank discontinued its Saturday service.<<< I think it means the bank will don't work on Saturday.
